Elevator Pitch: Meet VisioMedID, the innovative app designed to revolutionize medication safety for the visually impaired. By harnessing the power of deep learning, VisioMedID offers real-time, audible pill identification, empowering users to manage their health independently and safely. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to peace of mind with VisioMedID.
A mobile app leveraging deep learning for real-time pill identification aimed at assisting visually impaired individuals.
To enhance medication safety and independence for the visually impaired through an accessible, real-time pill identification app.
Using the YOLO framework for deep learning, the app processes images of pills captured by the user’s mobile camera, identifies them, and uses Text-to-Speech technology to inform the user about the pill.
Revenue Model
Freemium model with basic features for free, premium features accessible via subscription, and partnerships with healthcare providers and pharmacies.
Target Market
Individuals with visual impairments, healthcare providers, and caregivers.
Expansion Plan
Start with key markets with high smartphone penetration among visually impaired individuals, then expand to developing countries through partnerships with NGOs and governments.
Potential Challenges
Achieving high accuracy in diverse lighting conditions and with various pill sizes/shapes; data privacy and security concerns.
Customer Problem
Difficulty in identifying medication, leading to potential safety risks for visually impaired individuals.
Regulatory and Ethical Issues
Complying with healthcare regulations like HIPAA in the US; ensuring user data privacy and security.
Transforms how visually impaired individuals manage and safely take their medication, promoting autonomy.
Check out our related research summary: here.
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