Elevator Pitch: Imagine a world where every recommendation, from the movie you watch tonight to the new product you’re considering buying, feels like it was chosen by a close friend who knows you deeply. PersoRec makes this possible by transforming your casual chats into a treasure trove of personalized recommendations, ensuring what you discover truly resonates with your unique tastes and needs.
A personalized recommendation system based on open-domain chat dialogues
To offer highly personalized recommendations for various services and products by analyzing customers’ open-domain chat dialogues.
Utilizing the SumRec framework to summarize chat dialogues and then generate personalized recommendations based on the summarized speaker information and item characteristics.
Revenue Model
Subscription fees for businesses, commission on sales generated through recommendations, and premium accounts for users for enhanced personalization.
Target Market
E-commerce platforms, streaming services, content providers, and customer service departments across various industries.
Expansion Plan
Start with e-commerce and streaming services, then expand to other sectors like travel, education, and healthcare, adapting the recommendation engine to sector-specific needs.
Potential Challenges
Protecting user privacy and securing chat data, scaling the system for large volumes of data, improving accuracy in diverse languages and dialects.
Customer Problem
Difficulty in finding personalized recommendations due to the generic nature of current systems, leading to information overload and dissatisfaction.
Regulatory and Ethical Issues
Ensuring compliance with data protection regulations (like GDPR), transparent consent from users for data use, and mechanisms for users to opt-out or control what data is used.
Challenges the status quo by moving beyond traditional recommendation systems that rely on explicit user inputs or browsing history, providing deeper personalization through natural conversations.
Check out our related research summary: here.
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